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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

6 Month Selfie

I'm coming up on the six month post surgery mark and am down around 65 lbs. I'm feeling good and rocking my first pair of non plus-sized jeans in a LONG time.

 Recently I went out painting with my old friend Erin. She's known me since 4th grade so she's seen me at EVERY size...pre-pubsecent to pregnant to plump. In that order, probably. Anyway we had been conversing all night through dinner and our art class and she finally blurted it know I've been looking at you all night but I just now noticed you have a LOT LESS face! That made me laugh. Yes I do think I have considerably less face.

Dec. 2012
Sept. 2013

Also a little less hair, which can be a common bariatric side affect due to the striking cut in calories. But honestly my hair was so thick and curly that it doesn't bother me much. Plus my hair dresser gave me some biotin supplements to help keep it healthy and they seem to help. My dietician is also going to tell me to up my protein intake when I go in for the six month appointment, I'm calling it now. More protein, better hair!

Aside from hair I'm happy to have less of everything. Less face, less butt, less everything.

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